Saturday 24 November 2018

Shooting #45

Link of the article

Title of the article=133/340 (Number calculation off)

This shooting happened yesterday, 11/23/2018
This is the day leaving 38 days left
Death=38, RIP=38, Murder=38, Killing=38
It also has numerology of 45 (11+23+2+0+1+8)
This shooting occurred in Alabama
Alabama=45, Thirteen=45

Specifically Hoover, Alabama

The title of the article says that 1 was killed and 2 were left wounded, like a 12 when you combine the numbers

And one the victims was a 12 year old girl, coincidence?

The article quoted “physical altercation”
physical altercation=211
211 is the 47 prime number
Mason=211 (Jewish Gematria)
Government=47, Authority=47, President=47, White House=47, and so much more

The shooter was identified as Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford, Jr.
Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford, Jr=134/163/460
Tisha B’av=134, it’s a Jewish holiday to remember destruction/death
163 is the 38th prime and we know about 38 and it’s connections to death
Sacrifice=46, which is 460 in numerology

And is it also a coincidence how he’s 21, the inverse of 12

Then we have a witness who’s name is Lexi Joiner
Lexi Joiner=58/59/121
Blood sacrifice=121
I bet her real name isn’t that, she just made it up so he had certain gematria

Then she said “It was terrifying” which is kind of a weird thing to say, pretty mundane
It was terrifying=86
Blood sacrifice=86
Human sacrifice=86

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this but the shooting happened at a mall

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